Friday, April 30, 2010
Thursday, April 29, 2010
spring display made of recycled plastic bottles that have been painted and cut into flowers. genius!
images taken from my sparrow
it looks like ribbon and paper have been artfully cut for this display.

this display is incredibly made from fabric scraps that have been dyed, cut and strung together beautifully.
this one has a very sculptural quality about it. it is made of cupcake liners. can you believe that?

this has anthropologie written all over it...and it makes me wanna have a cup of tea. right now.
unbelievable. plastic milk jugs have been recycled in this winter display to form an igloo.
definitely a simpler display for anthro. i love this one though. i'm a sucker for a collage...just can't get enough of them.
books have been taken apart and formed into trees or vines that drape around the window.